The A Team!

The A Team!
Aaron, Amanda, Adrian, Adam, Asa, Aidan and Ava
"Most people don't know there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable and fall asleep and miss your life." ~ Brian Andreas

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Catching Up...

I haven't posted in quite some time- a couple of months in fact- although I think about it almost daily- like oooh, I should post that or I should blog about this, there just isn't enough time in the day to do everything I want to do. Spring has brought baseball and yet another remodeling project and this keeps us hopping. So here is some quick catching up on what's been going on around here...
Ava continues to amaze and charm us.
She is quite the diva, with a bit of an acting flair I think! Hollywood here we come!
My handsome baby boy turned 6 on March 19th. He is so smart and caring. He is already reading and writing! He just designed a boat that he built with his dad and they are going to try it out on the pond tomorrow! He makes every day an adventure and I am truly lucky to be his mom.
One of the first nice days of spring and we felt like RUNNING! Sun in our face, wind in our hair! This is a girl that could barely walk without falling when we first met her, and then wouldn't walk on gravel- and look- now she's running! Go girl go!
What a love- just makes you want to hug her doesn't it?
Can't believe my Adam is almost 12 years old! Another handsome sweetheart with a heart of gold! He's been working hard practicing the clarinet so he can travel to New York City with the school band. He's my artistic one who writes songs- even to his.. ahem.. girl friend (Yeah, not crazy about that)
Ava started out liking Aidan the least. She screeched and pushed him away initially. I thought it was because they were the most similar in age and she probably had to fight kids his size for attention, toys etc. in the orphanage. Who knows? But now I'm happy to say that these two will play for hours on end together. I find such joy in watching them get along so well.
Biggest brother Adrian loves giving in to her and taking Ava around the property on his four wheeler. Adrian has become a typical teenager, with lots of energy, planning something every minute of every day because god forbid he have some down time. And he just got his learner's permit- yikes! It won't be long and he will always be on the road and I'll never get to see him :-(
Celebrating Aidan's 6th Birthday! We had a heat wave mid-March and it was 80 degrees out! Unheard of in Vermont and we soaked it up.
My loving, handsome, intelligent and tow headed Asa. He's so easy going and popular with all of his friends at school. He has a wonderful sense of humor that the teachers don't always appreciate like we do;-) He is such a nice boy! He is especially kind with Ava and she usually chooses him to help her get ready or to lay down with her to put her to sleep.
Ava's first time swinging- she squealed and laughed the whole time. Now she practically drags one of us to it every time we go out.
OK so this girl wouldn't eat a grape the other day because she didn't know what it was yet her oldest brother hangs an earthworm over her and she's ready to eat! Then she had no issues with holding it!
Sitting on the grate in our jammies, eating real movie popcorn left over from Mom and brother's trip to see Hunger Games, and hanging with Aidan. Life is Good!
Aidan sharing his MP3 player. So cute! We're coming up on our 6th month home with Ava. Which I truly can't believe the time has gone by so fast! 6 month pics to come! Well, because frankly I just can't get enough of this girl! :-)

1 comment:

  1. It's so fun to see your pics and see all your cute kids! Ava is looking so much older already and your boys are going to be heart-breakers. Handsome boys!!!

    I love the pic with Ava swinging with her hair swooping across her face. That's a winner, with the priceless smile, too. Thanks for sharing.

    Your life (with 4 wheelers and baseball) sounds so much like ours. I wish we could move our states a little closer and enjoy life's joys together. :)
