The A Team!

The A Team!
Aaron, Amanda, Adrian, Adam, Asa, Aidan and Ava
"Most people don't know there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable and fall asleep and miss your life." ~ Brian Andreas

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Want the good news... or the bad news?

I'm the kind of gal who likes to get the bad news cleared away first so here it is- bad news is that only Aaron signed the personal application letter in the dossier (ahem, long story here) and China has told us that they will not process the approval until we send another one, with both signatures, notarized, certified by the State, US and Chinese Consulate. Ugghh... Of course, this will take at least a week so we will be waiting even longer. Now to the good news! The good news is that at least we know the file is being reviewed and not being used as a paperweight or under a desk somewhere. Hey that's pretty good! I'll take what I can get and I'm running with it!


  1. When we were waiting back in '09 we hit a "snag" in our paperwork. Basically, her referral paperwork was missing paragraph about her being abandoned & them trying to find her birth family. USCIS wouldn't approve our 800 without it - we waited several weeks to get this fixed. The Big Guy was looking out for us though & we ended up traveling at the same time as we would have without the nightmare.

  2. Sorry to hear about the setback...but so happy to hear China is looking at your dossier! I am sure this feels enormous right now but you're just about to 'round the bend to where the finish line is in sight! Keep your chin up!!!
