The A Team!

The A Team!
Aaron, Amanda, Adrian, Adam, Asa, Aidan and Ava
"Most people don't know there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable and fall asleep and miss your life." ~ Brian Andreas

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Three months update

Ava has been home for 3 months!
I have always heard stories of these little ones coming home and adjusting quickly and parents amazed at their progress. I don't know how many times I've read on blogs that they can't believe how easily these kids understand what is going on around them and seem to accept being a part of the family so quickly. It is the miracle of adoption. Not to say that everything is easy and there aren't some ups and downs - attachment is a process, but we consider ourselves so lucky. Ava is so easy going;  an old soul, with such a strong and calm character and I have thoroughly treasured these past months and getting to know her. This month was all about learning and opening up.
So what is she up to? 
Talking- She knows and says some words, like potty, eat, owie, uh oh, ride, meme, grammy, mommy, daddy, Adam, drink, please, I love you, thank you and lots more. Someone on the outside probably couldn't understand many of these words because of her cleft palate, but it's like when a one year old starts talking and mommy and daddy always know what they are saying. She understands everything we tell her and most of the time even accepts the word "no" ;-)
Learning- She has preschool screening on Monday! She won't start until the fall but I can't wait to see how she does with other kids her age! She repeats ABCs back to us, is learning how to do puzzles, and loves to read books. She likes to "read" along , quite loudly actually, so a gentle reminder to shhhh and she will quiet down and listen. But it is her job to turn the pages, don't forget that! We took the pullups away (yes we had essentially trained her to go in them by always having them on, oops) during the day and she was potty trained within two days.  Sometimes she still wakes up wet but for the most part she's dry. Oh, and she knows "wet" too because she will tell us if she is. 
Loving- She loves cuddling, giving kisses and saying "I love you" - on her terms that is, don't push her to do it because that just backfires! She is the sweetest little girl in the world, but with an independent streak! If her brothers ask for a hug and kiss she will usually look at me like- do I have to mom? I nod my head and she does it. Unfortunately, they usually aren't happy with just one so they push it and she gets annoyed. They have a thing or two to learn about women still ;-) She does get jealous when I cuddle with Aidan and she will purposely sit between us or demand a space on my lap if he is there. She loves family hugs and will come running not to be left out.
Beautifying- She loves to brush her teeth and will do so 20 times a day if you let her. Obviously we don't but she tries! She demands that I do the same to her that I do to myself. Lipstick, blush, hair, nails- she wants it all! I love that she is a girly girl.
Helping- She watches everything and tries to do everything we do. This makes for a very big helper! The other day I took the garbage out and when I came back she had opened the cupboard, pulled out a new garbage bag and was holding it out to me when I came back through. She's a genius I tell ya!
Singing- She loves to sing along in the van with me and the other kids and has become an important voice in our little choir.
Leaving- She can get herself totally dressed to go outside, snowpants, hat, mittens, jacket and boots. She still loves to go outside or go for rides. She now understands when she can't go because only half of the tribe is actually leaving. She no longer cries but will take off her boots and grudgingly walk back in from the mudroom. She has become comfortable with people where ever she goes. According to Daddy she likes to interact and "chat" with people at stores. She stays home with Daddy some days and Meme on the others so she hasn't had to be left with anyone else. This has helped make her more secure I think and why she can open up to others so easily compared to when we first brought her home.
Out and About- She is walking outside! At first she wouldn't let us put her down- she couldn't walk on the ground. She didn't know what it was, I guess. And now she trudges through snow, which initially terrified her, just like bubbles in the bathtub did. Now she is an old pro at it. I can't wait to show her this place in the spring and summer. I look forward to showing her blooming flowers and bringing her to the beach...{sigh}
Having Fun-Her biggest brother Adrian bought a four wheeler so she is enjoying getting rides around the house on that. She enjoys sledding down hills with Daddy too. I say she enjoys, only because she doesn't protest. She is not one of those kids that shows a great deal of excitement for these fun things, but stays calm with an unreadable face, soaking in the entire experience. Reminds me of Adrian when he was little. Her favorite cartoon is Backyardigans. It's the singing and dancing, she can't get enough of it! We have to get her into some dance classes because she's obviously a natural!
Sleeping- She now goes to sleep on her own! This was the hardest adjustment for us because she fought us so hard at bedtime and we would lay next to her crib, sometimes for an hour before she would go to sleep. She would always catch us if we tried to sneak out before she was sleeping soundly and would start frantically crying. Nothing is more frustrating then wanting to spend an hour relaxing, reading a book or watching TV at 7 pm, and being stuck in a bed pretending to sleep. And the kid won't do it! I know a mother is supposed to sacrifice, but I honestly had a really difficult time with this one. I finally convinced Aaron to move her crib into our room which mean we had to climb over each other or the end of the bed to get in or out, but what a difference. She finally slept through the night. But we still had to lay with her. Then we started to put her in our bed, read to her, tuck her in (this always brings on the satisfied giggles), turn off the light, and walk out. She yells "night night" and that's that. Thank God! Time to myself, what a wonderful gift this is!

We are leaving for Boston this Thursday the 9th for her open heart surgery scheduled for Monday, February 13th. She has a Partial Endocardial Cushions Defect that needs repair. This surgery will close a hole in her heart and widen two arteries. She hasn't had so much as a cold and no symptoms of the heart bothering her, which makes it difficult to put her through this. But we know it is for the best and has to be done sometime or else she will eventually experience difficulties. We hope to be back by the 21st.  Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update! I love the pictures, too. Your boys are so handsome.

    I am glad to see so much progress on your home front. We will be praying for you as Ava undergoes her heart surgery and recovery.

    Hugs from the W. Coast!

    ~Angie J.
