The A Team!

The A Team!
Aaron, Amanda, Adrian, Adam, Asa, Aidan and Ava
"Most people don't know there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable and fall asleep and miss your life." ~ Brian Andreas

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone and Adrian- Happy Birthday!!

We aren't big on Valentine's day as a romantic day. It's Adrian's day and today he is 14. Did you read that right? Yep. 14!! He is so smart, patient, sweet and loving. I am so proud to have him as my son. I often wonder how I got to be so lucky with so many wonderful children. He was the first. He was the one who made us parents for the first time. He gave us something bigger than ourselves to think about. He made us realize how much we love children and love having them around. He's a true blessing and I hope he knows how much we love him, admire him, and wish only but the best for him. Happy Birthday Adrian!

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