The A Team!

The A Team!
Aaron, Amanda, Adrian, Adam, Asa, Aidan and Ava
"Most people don't know there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable and fall asleep and miss your life." ~ Brian Andreas

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More pics because I just can't get enough!

Not so sure about this pool thing, if I hide behind these chairs maybe they won't  see me, or at least they'll trip trying to get to me.

Alright, I'll throw the ball to you, just don't take a step towards me.

This daddy guy is kind of fun. But this is a safe distance between us, thank you.

Mommy got closer so I'm going to back up because I can tell they are going to want to get me in that pool...

Yep, I knew it. Hey this isn't too bad, just keep a tight hold on me mama.

Such cuteness! Although she kind of looks like she's telling me  enough with the camera already!

Daddy's are good for playing with!

OK, this is looking dangerous....

One tired little girl.

1 comment:

  1. What sweet pictures! Can't beat a little girly in a bathing suit!! It looks like she bonding perfectly!!!
